Heiwai Tang holds the Victor and William Fung Professorship in Economics at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), where he also serves as Director of the Asia Global Institute and Associate Dean for External Relations at the Business School. Before joining HKU, he was a tenured Associate Professor of International Economics at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University.
He is affiliated with the Center of Economic Studies and Ifo Institute (CESifo) in Germany, the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER) in Singapore, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy in Germany, and the Globalization and Economic Policy (GEP) Center in the U.K. as a research fellow. Tang has consulted for organizations such as the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, the United Nations, and the Asian Development Bank. He has also held visiting positions at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Stanford University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Harvard University.
Currently, he is the Managing Editor of the Pacific Economic Review and has previously served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Comparative Economics, and the China Economic Review. Since 2021, he has been involved with several public and regulatory bodies in Hong Kong SAR, including the Currency Board Sub-Committee of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Exchange Fund Advisory Committee, the Industry Advisory Committee of the Insurance Authority, the Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal, the Land and Development Advisory Committee, and the Minimum Wage Commission, among others.
Heiwai holds a Ph.D. in economics from MIT and a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from UCLA. His research interests span a wide range of theoretical and empirical topics in international trade, with a specific focus on production networks, global value chains, and China. His research has been published in leading journals in economics, including American Economic Review and Journal of International Economics. His research and opinions have been covered by BBC, Bloomberg, China Daily, CNA, CNN, Financial Times, New York Times, Al Jazeera, Foreign Policy, South China Morning Post, and various think tanks such as the Brookings Institution and the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
鄧希煒是香港大學經管學院馮國經馮國綸基金經濟學教授及副院長,同時是亞洲環球研究所所長及香港經濟及商業策略研究所副所長。加入香港大學前,他是約翰霍普金斯大學 (Johns Hopkins University) 國際經濟學终身副教授。他也經常擔任世界銀行 (World Bank)、國際金融公司 (International Finance Corporation)、聯合國 (United Nations) 及亞洲開發銀行 (Asian Development Bank) 顧問; 並同時是德國經濟研究中心 (CESIfo) 以及英國的全球化和經濟政策中心的研究員。他曾在斯坦福大學、麻省理工斯隆管理學院、哈佛大學、國際貨幣基金組織 (IMF) 和日本經濟產業研究所 (RIETI) 擔任訪問學者。他曾是國際經濟學雜誌、比較經濟學雜誌和中國經濟評論的編委。自 2021 年起,他擔任香港金管局外匯基金貨幣發行委員會、保險業監管局業界諮詢委員會,及最低工資委員會成員。
鄧教授在麻省理工學院獲得經濟學博士學位及加州大學洛杉磯分校獲得數學本科學位。他的研究興趣涉及國際貿易中的理論和實證主題,特別關注生產網絡和全球價值鏈題才。他的研究成果在經濟學頂級期刊上發表,包括美國經濟評論、國際經濟學雜誌和發展經濟學雜誌。他還為金融時報、 外交政策、 南華早報,以及布魯金斯學會及彼得森國際經濟研究所等智庫撰寫文章。
He is affiliated with the Center of Economic Studies and Ifo Institute (CESifo) in Germany, the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER) in Singapore, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy in Germany, and the Globalization and Economic Policy (GEP) Center in the U.K. as a research fellow. Tang has consulted for organizations such as the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, the United Nations, and the Asian Development Bank. He has also held visiting positions at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Stanford University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Harvard University.
Currently, he is the Managing Editor of the Pacific Economic Review and has previously served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Comparative Economics, and the China Economic Review. Since 2021, he has been involved with several public and regulatory bodies in Hong Kong SAR, including the Currency Board Sub-Committee of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Exchange Fund Advisory Committee, the Industry Advisory Committee of the Insurance Authority, the Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal, the Land and Development Advisory Committee, and the Minimum Wage Commission, among others.
Heiwai holds a Ph.D. in economics from MIT and a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from UCLA. His research interests span a wide range of theoretical and empirical topics in international trade, with a specific focus on production networks, global value chains, and China. His research has been published in leading journals in economics, including American Economic Review and Journal of International Economics. His research and opinions have been covered by BBC, Bloomberg, China Daily, CNA, CNN, Financial Times, New York Times, Al Jazeera, Foreign Policy, South China Morning Post, and various think tanks such as the Brookings Institution and the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
鄧希煒是香港大學經管學院馮國經馮國綸基金經濟學教授及副院長,同時是亞洲環球研究所所長及香港經濟及商業策略研究所副所長。加入香港大學前,他是約翰霍普金斯大學 (Johns Hopkins University) 國際經濟學终身副教授。他也經常擔任世界銀行 (World Bank)、國際金融公司 (International Finance Corporation)、聯合國 (United Nations) 及亞洲開發銀行 (Asian Development Bank) 顧問; 並同時是德國經濟研究中心 (CESIfo) 以及英國的全球化和經濟政策中心的研究員。他曾在斯坦福大學、麻省理工斯隆管理學院、哈佛大學、國際貨幣基金組織 (IMF) 和日本經濟產業研究所 (RIETI) 擔任訪問學者。他曾是國際經濟學雜誌、比較經濟學雜誌和中國經濟評論的編委。自 2021 年起,他擔任香港金管局外匯基金貨幣發行委員會、保險業監管局業界諮詢委員會,及最低工資委員會成員。
鄧教授在麻省理工學院獲得經濟學博士學位及加州大學洛杉磯分校獲得數學本科學位。他的研究興趣涉及國際貿易中的理論和實證主題,特別關注生產網絡和全球價值鏈題才。他的研究成果在經濟學頂級期刊上發表,包括美國經濟評論、國際經濟學雜誌和發展經濟學雜誌。他還為金融時報、 外交政策、 南華早報,以及布魯金斯學會及彼得森國際經濟研究所等智庫撰寫文章。