All papers are for individual or academic use only. All copyrights belong to the publishers.
Main Journal Articles
Trade Networks and Firm Value: Evidence from the US-China Trade War (Apr 2023) (with Yi Huang, Chen Lin, and Sibo Liu)
Journal of International Economics, 2024
Currency Carry Trade by Trucks: The Curious Case of China's Massive Imports from Itself (March 2023)
Review of Finance, March 2023 (with Xuepeng Liu, Zhi Wang, and Shang-Jin Wei)
Do Multinationals Transfer Culture? Evidence on Female Employment in China
Journal of International Economics, 133, Nov 2021, 103518. (with Yifan Zhang)
Domestic Segment of Global Value Chains in China under State Capitalism
Journal of Comparative Economics, 48, Dec 2020, pp. 797–821. (with Fei Wang and Zhi Wang)
A methodology piece is circulated under the title Extending the Input-Output Table Based on Firm-level Data
Why is China Investing in Africa? Evidence from the Firm Level
World Bank Economic Review, 32(3), Oct 2018, pp. 610–632 (with Wenjie Chen and David Dollar)
Domestic Value Added in Exports: Theory and Firm Evidence from China
American Economic Review, 106(6), June 2016, pp. 1402-1436. (with Hiau Looi Kee)
Learning to Export from Neighbors
Journal of International Economics, 94(1), Sep 2014, pp. 67-84. (with Ana Fernandes)
Factor Intensity, Product Switching, and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Exporters
Journal of International Economics, 92(2), March 2014, pp. 349–362. (with Yue Ma and Yifan Zhang)
International Politics and Import Diversification
Journal of Law and Economics, 56(4), Nov 2013, pp. 1091-1121. (with Sergei Mityakov and Kevin Tsui)
Determinants of Vertical Integration in Export Processing: Theory and Evidence from China
Journal of Development Economics, 99(2), Nov 2012, pp. 396–414. (with Ana Fernandes)
Labor Market Institutions, Firm-specific Skills, and Trade Patterns
Journal of International Economics, 87(2), July 2012, pp. 337–351.
Refereed Special Issues
How did China’s Zero Covid Policy Affect its Export Performance? (June 2023)
Review of International Economics, Special Issue on China, forthcoming.
How did the 2003 SARS epidemic shape Chinese trade?
CEPR Covid Economics, May 2020 (with Ana Fernandes).
Excessive Entry and Exit in Export Markets
Journal of Japanese and International Economies, Sep 2019, Special Issue: Globalization and Welfare Impacts of International Trade (with Hiro Kasahara)
Are Foreign Firms Favored in China? Firm-level Evidence on the Collection of Value Added Tax
Journal of International Business Policy, June 2018, Inaugural Issue (with Yasheng Huang)
The Dragon is Flying West: Micro-level Evidence of Chinese Outward Direct Investment
Asian Development Review, Annual Research Conference Volume, 31(2), Sep 2014, pp. 109-140. (with Wenjie Chen)
Exchange Rates and the Margins of Trade: Evidence from Chinese Exporters
CESIfo Economic Studies, Symposium on China's Trade Performance, 58(4), Dec 2012, pp. 671-702. (with Yifan Zhang)
FDI Policies in China and India: Evidence from Firm Surveys (with Yasheng Huang)
World Economy, Special Issue: India, 35(1), 2012, pp. 91-105.
Book Chapters
Assessing Asia – Sub-Saharan Africa Global Value Chain Linkages
in Africa in the New Trade Environment: Market Access in Troubled Times, World Bank (Edited by A. Zeufack) 2021
Supply chain linkages and financial markets: Evaluating the costs of the US-China trade war (with Yi Huang, Chen Lin, and Sibo Liu)
in Trade War: The Clash of Economic Systems Endangering Global Prosperity, CEPR Ebook, May 2019
Trade Patterns and Dynamics of Processing Exporters: Evidence from China
in New Development in Global Sourcing, 2018, MIT Press (with Ana Fernandes)
Policy Research
Sep 2022: Creating a Good Job City (Chinese)
Sep 2022: Hong Kong as an International Carbon Trading Hub (Chinese)
Sep 2022: Hong Kong SAR’s Role in the GBA’s Path to Becoming a Global Innovation Hub (Chinese)
Main Journal Articles
Trade Networks and Firm Value: Evidence from the US-China Trade War (Apr 2023) (with Yi Huang, Chen Lin, and Sibo Liu)
Journal of International Economics, 2024
Currency Carry Trade by Trucks: The Curious Case of China's Massive Imports from Itself (March 2023)
Review of Finance, March 2023 (with Xuepeng Liu, Zhi Wang, and Shang-Jin Wei)
Do Multinationals Transfer Culture? Evidence on Female Employment in China
Journal of International Economics, 133, Nov 2021, 103518. (with Yifan Zhang)
Domestic Segment of Global Value Chains in China under State Capitalism
Journal of Comparative Economics, 48, Dec 2020, pp. 797–821. (with Fei Wang and Zhi Wang)
A methodology piece is circulated under the title Extending the Input-Output Table Based on Firm-level Data
- appendix
Why is China Investing in Africa? Evidence from the Firm Level
World Bank Economic Review, 32(3), Oct 2018, pp. 610–632 (with Wenjie Chen and David Dollar)
- Brookings Blog | IMF Finance & Development | Quartz | Global Trade Magazine | Emerging Markets News | Knowledge@Wharton | Strategy + Business | Slate Africa | Accounting and Business | Audio | Audio2
Domestic Value Added in Exports: Theory and Firm Evidence from China
American Economic Review, 106(6), June 2016, pp. 1402-1436. (with Hiau Looi Kee)
- final working paper (with appendix) | slides | voxdev blog | voxeu blog | World Bank's blog | Bloomberg
- Data: click here to download the sector-level data used in this paper
Learning to Export from Neighbors
Journal of International Economics, 94(1), Sep 2014, pp. 67-84. (with Ana Fernandes)
Factor Intensity, Product Switching, and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Exporters
Journal of International Economics, 92(2), March 2014, pp. 349–362. (with Yue Ma and Yifan Zhang)
- slides | final version - working paper | appendix
- Data: click here to download the product-level factor intensity data used in this paper
International Politics and Import Diversification
Journal of Law and Economics, 56(4), Nov 2013, pp. 1091-1121. (with Sergei Mityakov and Kevin Tsui)
Determinants of Vertical Integration in Export Processing: Theory and Evidence from China
Journal of Development Economics, 99(2), Nov 2012, pp. 396–414. (with Ana Fernandes)
Labor Market Institutions, Firm-specific Skills, and Trade Patterns
Journal of International Economics, 87(2), July 2012, pp. 337–351.
- slides | appendix
- Data: click here to download the sector-level measures of firm and sector specificity of skills
Refereed Special Issues
How did China’s Zero Covid Policy Affect its Export Performance? (June 2023)
Review of International Economics, Special Issue on China, forthcoming.
How did the 2003 SARS epidemic shape Chinese trade?
CEPR Covid Economics, May 2020 (with Ana Fernandes).
Excessive Entry and Exit in Export Markets
Journal of Japanese and International Economies, Sep 2019, Special Issue: Globalization and Welfare Impacts of International Trade (with Hiro Kasahara)
Are Foreign Firms Favored in China? Firm-level Evidence on the Collection of Value Added Tax
Journal of International Business Policy, June 2018, Inaugural Issue (with Yasheng Huang)
The Dragon is Flying West: Micro-level Evidence of Chinese Outward Direct Investment
Asian Development Review, Annual Research Conference Volume, 31(2), Sep 2014, pp. 109-140. (with Wenjie Chen)
- Reprinted in China and the Global Economy, 2017, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- [appendix] [blog post:The Dragon Soars: Micro Evidence on Chinese Outward Direct Investment]
Exchange Rates and the Margins of Trade: Evidence from Chinese Exporters
CESIfo Economic Studies, Symposium on China's Trade Performance, 58(4), Dec 2012, pp. 671-702. (with Yifan Zhang)
- slides
FDI Policies in China and India: Evidence from Firm Surveys (with Yasheng Huang)
World Economy, Special Issue: India, 35(1), 2012, pp. 91-105.
Book Chapters
Assessing Asia – Sub-Saharan Africa Global Value Chain Linkages
in Africa in the New Trade Environment: Market Access in Troubled Times, World Bank (Edited by A. Zeufack) 2021
Supply chain linkages and financial markets: Evaluating the costs of the US-China trade war (with Yi Huang, Chen Lin, and Sibo Liu)
in Trade War: The Clash of Economic Systems Endangering Global Prosperity, CEPR Ebook, May 2019
Trade Patterns and Dynamics of Processing Exporters: Evidence from China
in New Development in Global Sourcing, 2018, MIT Press (with Ana Fernandes)
- an abridged version is published as Scale, Scope, and Trade Dynamics of Export Processing Plants , Economics Letters, 133, August 2015, pp. 68-72. (with Ana Fernandes)
Policy Research
Sep 2022: Creating a Good Job City (Chinese)
Sep 2022: Hong Kong as an International Carbon Trading Hub (Chinese)
Sep 2022: Hong Kong SAR’s Role in the GBA’s Path to Becoming a Global Innovation Hub (Chinese)